Peter: From Fisherman To Disciple Of Jesus | In Pursuit of Peter: The Apostle | Episode 1

A fisherman from the Sea of Galilee has his world disrupted when he meets Jesus. Immediately Jesus changes his name from Simon to Peter, meaning “Rock.” But Peter doesn’t understand why. The answer would be revealed over the next few years. ABOUT THIS SERIES: How did Peter transform from an uneducated fisherman into one of the most celebrated and beloved Jesus-followers in history? New Testament scholar Con Campbell (host of “In Pursuit of Paul“) wanted to find out. It’s one thing to read about people in Scripture. It’s another thing to trace their life histories to more fully understand their backgrounds and the profound effect Jesus had on them. Con invites you to join him in his pursuit of Peter. Explore the places where Peter lived and traveled, starting by the Sea of Galilee where he labored as a fisherman--an unlikely disciple, but purposely called by Christ. Continue the journey to Jerusalem, Turkey, Rome, and other locations where Con meets people who provide insig
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