Lesson 8: WRITE RUSSIAN ALPHABET (Block Letters) ✍️ Is Cursive Necessary? | Russian Comprehensive

Learn How to WRITE in Russian! (Russian BLOCK LETTERS Handwriting - 1:16) 🤔 Do you need to learn the Russian CURSIVE to be able to Write in Russian? (Spoiler: Nope!) Russian kids first learn writing in block letters and then, when at school, learn cursive. Russian speaking adults may use cursive, block letters handwriting, or (I’d say, most commonly) use a mix of both. So, for Beginners, it makes more sense to start with writing in block letters (follow it here: 1:16), and then later learn cursive, if they want. You can SPEED UP / SLOW DOWN the Video under the ⚙️ Video Settings icon (Playback speed) Here, you’ll Learn Russian with ease and no time wasted 👍 ___ Earn $10 free ITALKI credit: ✅ You can contact me and SCHEDULE a LESSON via email: RussianComprehensive (at) or here: Find RUSSIAN COMPREHENSIVE here:
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