Who Has Orange Eyelashes?

Ботропс Шлегеля, Bothriechis schlegelii, Коста Рика. This eyelash pit viper has greenish orange-mottling colors (’oropel’ morph) and patterns rendering it superbly camouflaged on the forest floor. Despite being mostly non-aggressive and having a relatively small size (40-50cm) compared to other venomous snakes, the bite of the eyelash viper can still be dangerous to humans. It smells its surroundings by flicking its forked tongue in various directions, probing for food or danger. Also called the ’Bocaraca’, it gets its name from the row of scales over its eyes, which may be used to enhance its camouflage. This snake is arboreal and is an ambush predator, feeding on small prays such as rodents, lizards, frogs and small birds. ••• SHARE AND SUB TO SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL ••• ▶ Youtube: ▶ Instagram: ▶ Twitter:
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