Easy Japanese 9 - Learning Japanese

Learn Japanese with Easy Japanese: Is learning Japanese really that difficult? Mona asks international students in Sendai :D ------- Join us on Facebook: ------- GLOSSARY: 音読み/on’yomi/ Chinese reading of a kanji. It’s used when there is no hiragana attached to the kanji. 訓読み/kun’yomi/ Japanese reading of a kanji. It’s often used when hiragana is attached to the kanji *If you want to learn more about on’yomi and kun’yomi, check this website: 一期一会/ichigo ichie/Literally means “once in a lifetime encounter.“ It’s an idea to treasure every encounter as if it only happens once in a life time. オノマトポエテック/onomatopoetic/ Technically, it’s 「オノマトぺ」in Japanese, キラキラ/kira kira/ Onomatopoeic word to describe something that’s shiny and bright. ------- Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to lear
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