JLPT N5 Vocabulary with example sentences #5 【日本語能力試験 N5 語彙】

We are going to look at JLPT N5 Vocabulary with example sentences! 00:21 起きる (おきる) - To get up/ to occur; to happen 02:19 送る (おくる) - To send; to see off; to spend time 09:13 教える (おしえる) - To teach 10:41 押す (おす) - To push 11:53 覚える (おぼえる) - to memorize; to learn *The furigana for 新しい at 12:34 should be あたら ✅ PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to our channel for more JLPT Vocabulary and Kanji learning videos! Learn all 800 JLPTN5 Vocabulary: ☆ Follow us on social media for daily Japanese post
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