JLPT N4 (Grammar, Reading and Listening) 日本語能力試験4級(文法、読解、リスニング)

In this video, we will review the Grammar, Reading and Listening of JLPT N4. ==================================================== ◆italki◆ If you would like to have an online lesson, please register from here! ◆Facebook◆ Please follow my Facebook Page! ◆Instagram◆ @masasensei ==================================================== If you are taking N5, please check this video. JLPT N5 Grammar, Reading and Listening ①【て います】 in progress which are repeated intermittently which remain after some actions took place in the past ② てform もいいです may (do)... なくても いいです no need to (do)... ないform でください please do not てform くださ
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