The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia - All Bosses [No Damage, No Mistakes]
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, amen.
Textorcist on Steam:
Bosses in video:
[00:00] 1. Caesar the Thief
[02:26] 2. Magda the Possessed
[03:54] 3. Matthew the Gangster
[06:34] 4. Enoch Varg The Devil’s Son
[09:33] 5. Mother Superior
[13:44] 6. Ray’s Master
[18:29] 7. Head Guard Furius
[22:59] 8. Cardinal
[28:02] 9. Laurentius IV
[32:11] 10. Lilith
It’s a bullet hell, but in order to attack, you have to type letters with your keyboard. That’s somet