MORRISSEY : LOST DEMO “Once Upon A Woman’s Body“

words Morrissey / music Jesse Tobias Once upon a woman’s body, you laughed too soon and she said she would unman you. Once upon a woman’s body, you gagged too soon and she said “I’m gonna undo you“ / “Don’t you come running home to unleash your tears me and your Daddy we won’t always be here“ / Once upon a woman’s body, you went soft too soon and she said “that’s OK - I’ll find someone who ... isn’t you“ Once upon a woman’s body, you could not go through with all of it you can’t name it because you can’t face it / “Don’t you come running home to unleash your tears me and your Daddy we won’t always be here“ / precious forbid! mercy me! god be thanked! lamb sakes alive! he has divined! precious forbid!
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