Once pups are born, wolf dens become the center or focal point of all wolf pack activity. Just check out this video to see for yourself. We got lucky and happened to have a camera on this trail not far from the Paradise Pack den this spring.
We have never had so many wolf videos on a camera in such a short period! Lots of neat highlights as well such as:
-Wolf V077, breeding male, chasing a collared intruding wolf away
-A yearling wolf hunting a snowshoe hare
-The pups out and about with the adults
-the breeding female carrying a pup around at one point
The Paradise Pack is 4 adult wolves
...and you can tell in the video that there are the same 4 individuals going by the camera. The breeding male, V077, is ear-tagged and the breeding female, V085, has a collar and ear-tags.
The two untagged wolves are both yearlings, one of which we collared this spring and is now dubbed Wolf W2L.
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