Stormbind so Satisfying

Everytime I have tried stormbind it has unexpectedly been really enjoyable and surprisingly strong. On the outside going into I innately assume the skill will be too clunky to feel good to play. Each time i have played it and had quite the opposite experience where it ends up being a quite enjoyable skill to play. For me this has come down to 3 factors: learning to play the skill(it takes some getting used to), cast speed(monumental for the playstyle/effectiveness of the build, if you try without speccing a good amount of cast speed it feels bad) and lastly scaling mana/aoe appropriately with indigon ties it together nicely for big bursts of damage. My takeaway is that this skill is quite underrated for its powerlevel and I am personally quite interested in potentially doing some league start tests with this character going forward given its always impressed me with my budget variants I have put together with it. Character Profile for manual checking character
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