RAGE - Chasing The Twilight Zone (Official Lyric Video)
Taken from the forthcoming album “Wings Of Rage“ - out January 10th, 2020!
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Video created by
RAGE live 2019
. DE-Andernach - JUZ Live Club
RAGE live 2020
. DE-Wolfsburg - Break Your Neck Festival
. DE-Mannheim - MS Connexion Complex
. DE-Hamburg - Grünspan
. DE-Siegburg - Kubana
. UK-London - The Underworld
. FR-Colmar - Le Grillen
. ES-Pamplona - Totem
. ES-Barcelona - Boveda
. FR-Lyon - CCO Villeurbanne
. IT-Milano - Legend Club
. DE-Memmingen - Kaminwerk
. DE-Nürnberg - Hirsch
. CH-Pratteln - Z7
. AT-Vienna - Szene
. SVK-Kosice -Collosseum
. SVK-Zvolen - Dom Kultury ZSR
. CZ-Prague - Nová Chmelnice
. DE-Bochum - Zeche
. SE-Sölvesborg - Sweden Rock Festival
. DE-Balingen - Bang Your Head Festival
. DE-H