Strongest Animal Bite Force Comparison

Strongest animal bite force comparison This video displays the bite force of some select animals. With some surprising results The stats in this video are not based on fact, they are based on the sources I used and their research results Animals compared: Giant tube worm Piranha fish Humans American pit bull dog German shepherd dog Leopard Rottweiler dog African wild dog Cougar Gray wolf Macaw Mastiff dog Lion Alligator snapping turtle Tiger Spotted hyena Polar bear Grizzly bear Bull shark Silverback gorilla Hippopotamus Jaguar American alligator Great white shark Nile crocodile Saltwa...ter crocodile Killer whale Regarding the lion bite force. An adolescent lion can bite 691 but expert estimations are nearer to 1000psi, which I believe....... Regarding the salt croc. Read through Check out my dog bite force video➡️➡️ Check out my dinosaurs vs sea monsters bite force video ➡️➡️ Check out my DataWatch merchandise: Intro: EnzeeFX on YouTube Data: As the video is titled strongest bite I’ve gone with the strongest bite reading I can find for each animal. Hope this clears things up Music: Heart of the Jungle Music credit: Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4 International License. * Title: Heart of the Jungle * Composer: Alexander Hoff * YouTube Channel: Made with keynote Fancy a money making scheme? Check this out:
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