#2. With What Historical Science is Engaged and How | Mikhail Velichko

This cycle of videos is dedicated to the subject of history and the global historical process. Part 1: With what is historical science engaged and how? — How is history interpreted, and how should it be interpreted? How can we say what version of history is reliable and what is not? How can we deal with the fact of the falsification of history and come to a reliable version of history? “If we turn to history in its entirety, this is a collection of biographies of all the people who ever lived. But in this form, history is not available to any of us. Therefore, the question is in which case is the selection of facts from history is scientifically consistent, and in which case is the selection of facts from the same history is not scientifically consistent. In addition to this, questions arise about the identification of falsification in the historical past, since Herzen was right when, in the preface to one of his books, he wrote: “We are not allowed to know history yet. The Russian go
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