Prashantam : Being Excited with the New of This Moment
This interview with Prashantam was done by Sabina in December 2013 (Jetzt-TV, Prashantam, Interview02).
Prashantam means inner peace, inner silence, I received this name from Osho; Zen monk in Japan, my name was kio kio, meaning empty empty or inner peace, so I received the same name by two different masters; student of medicine, traveling, meeting with aborigines in Australia, healers on the Philippines, shamans in South America, doctors in Tibet; what I learned is who I am today; when I left Portugal in 1968 I was 17 and Portugal was still a dictatorship with war in Africa going on, I arrived in Paris as a refugee, I escaped Portugal so I didn`t need to go to the army; I was on my own and I had to make it, finding work and so on; I feel it is the master who calls the disciple rather than the disciple choosing a master; I had nowhere to go back to, so the world became my home; I made my way as I went along; Gurdjieffs book „ Meetings with remarkable men“; at age 26 I arrived in Puna; Osho didn`t give me the answers, he guided me to find the answer within myself; I am not yet finished with seeking, I am still excited with the new of this moment; „you are with me until you go back on the road again“ and I stayed for 25 years; Osho helped me to stay focused, focused on the search to the answer of the question „who am I“; Meditation and meditation techniques; working in Russia, China, South America, Osho is all over the place; the more I am master of myself, the more Osho is my master; workshop at the Rainbow Spirit Festival Munich; fear exists only when you project that you will die, or, that you will go crazy, or, that you will lose control; losing control is very much associated with orgasm; liberating the uniqueness in all of us; uniqueness, totality; 100% ego, oneness, love; it is fear you are using to be not total;
ODHA school: Osho Divine Healing Arts School in Italy near Florence: legally established to train for holistic therapist, a 3-year training (2 weeks of training each year) recognized by EU law; training starts with the body because it is our anchor; it always brings you in the here- now; then: mind and believe system, what is real, what isn´t; emotions and heart; center of your being, your sexuality; we offer training for holistic therapist, counselor and also training for people who don´t need a diploma.
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