#youbestyouact #videoadelanto #video #nmer #darkwave
“The Vast Shadow Of Privacy“ es el video que adelanta el tercer álbum del proyecto Dark Wave originado en Atenas, Grecia, por Alexios Othon Theodoridis. Hoy es un dúo completado por Faye Charalampidou. El nuevo álbum “Vastness“ se lanzará el 4 de agosto.
“The Vast Shadow Of Privacy“ is the video that previews the third album of the Dark Wave project originated in Athens, Greece, by Alexios Othon Theodoridis. Today it is a duet completed by Faye Charalampidou. The new album “Vastness“ will be released on August 4.
YoU bEaSt YoU aCt
YouTube @Youbeastyouact