Сила ФИОЛЕТОВОЙ Энергии Преобразует ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНУЮ Энергию в ПОЛОЖИТЕЛЬНУЮ, Зарядит Жизненной СИЛОЙ

The violet energy (“guardian”) is connected with our spiritual essence. It helps to act in unity with the higher forces of the Universe, harmonizes the work of the hemispheres of the brain and influences the purification of the subtle energy bodies of a person. Due to the strong effect of the purple color on the subconscious. You can free yourself from your deep fears and, when you reach the appropriate level of consciousness, turn them into a creative force. This color has a huge impact on the field of feelings. Energy circulates, and if stagnation occurs, then a person feels apathy and plunges into a depressive state, burns out morally and professionally, is exhausted. The ability to appeal to the Violet Energy helps to strengthen the personality, get rid of mental problems. This is a special level of enlightenment that can affect the mental part of a person. This video program is able to transform negative emotions into positive ones. No matter what circumstances you find yourself in and how
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