You will learn how I made these Parasols in under 5 minutes. I use fabric, lace, ribbon, bbq skewer and more.
I hope you enjoy my new 5 minute tutorials. For most 5 minute tutorials you will find a detailed version on my Channel.
after experimenting I found that this YouTuber gave the best advice. I used her idea to fold my fabric circles.
Welcome to my Channel I am glad you visited. I hope you are inspired by my videos. I enjoy teaching, designing and being frugal in the process.
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All my designs are for sale as finished products. I am not always up-to-date on placing them in my Etsy shop. Please contact me at the below email or message me via Facebook. I can also bill via PayPal for special orders.
Flower Tutorials by Crafty Devotion:
1 view
2 months ago 00:08:03 1
ОЧЕНЬ НЕЖНЫЙ ЦВЕТОК из ленты 🌸 / Flor de fita / DIY / Канзаши / Kansasi bow ЕленаПодарки МК
2 months ago 00:06:30 1
🎀 Черно-белые бантики для школы 🎀 Канзаши 🎀 Ribbon bow Kanzashi 🎀 Hand мade 🎀 DIY
2 months ago 00:09:58 2
В ТРЕНДЕ.Делаю их Много и сразу Продаю/красивые резиночки для девочек
2 months ago 00:05:08 1
Канзаши/Цветы из репсовой ленты МК/Grosgrain Ribbon Flower/Flor de Fita de Gorgurão/Ola ameS DIY
2 months ago 00:14:59 12
Easy Step-by-Step Tutorial: Crochet a Cute Bow Hairclip for Beginners! 🎀✨