Rossini: Le Comte Ory - Glyndebourne Festival Opera

Rossini’s opera is set in a medieval French court at a time when all the menfolk have gone off to join the crusades, leaving the women longing for ...Cast: Le Comte Ory - Marc Laho, Raimbaud - Ludivoc Tézier, Adèle - Annick Massis, Ragonde - Jane Shaulis, Tutor - Julien Robbins, Isolier - Diana Montague. This colourful production for Glyndebourne is directed by Jérôme Savary, the actor and comedian, and artistic director of Le Théâtre Nationale de Chaillot in Paris. Andrew Davis conducts his second Rossini opera at Glyndebourne, following the success of Ermione in 1995. 0:37 Overture Act I 4:04 “Jouvencelles, venez vite“ 10:42 “Que les destins prospères“ 20:53 “Je ne puis plus longtemps“ 27:49 “Vous, notre appui“ 34:54 “Je vais revoir la beauté qui m’est chère 45:10 “Isolier dans ces lieux“ 51:32 “Vous avez entendu sa touchante prière“ 58:19 “Nous saurons bien le reconnaître“ 1:01:52 “Cet ècrit, noble châtelaine“ Act II 1:10:43 “Dans ce séj
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