How to do Straddle jump | C 314 | aerobic gymnastics tutorial 2018

Hi everyone, surprisingly last week became the jump start point. If you don’t know in March I broke my leg and couldn’t walk for months. I started to rehabilitate and do my own physical therapy, I thought I’ll never be able to jump again. Maybe for somebody it’s just a straddle jump, but for me it is an ACHIEVEMENT! My suggestion in case you get injured (but PLEASE DON’T) never stop training, keep your form (there is always something you can work on). . . This tutorial is about drills and progressions for straddle jump. Straddle is a great fundamental skill which develop hip flexors, core, lower body. There are numerous skills to do if you get this basic one, it will be posted occasionally. . Warm up and stretch well, have a safe training! . Question please comment below! . Subscribe to my YouTube channel for the whole videos, check the link in bio! Please tag someone you think would be interested, like and share 🙏 . . . .
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