Sahaja Yoga Subtle System Animation

*3 Nadis & 7 Chakras (plexuses) *Responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. *Ida (left sympathetic) - corresponds to our past, emotions, desires, terminates at superego (storehouse of all habits, memories, conditionings) *Pingala (right sympathetic) - corresponds to our actions and planning, mental and physical activity, terminates at ego which gives *I-ness* *Sushumna (para sympathetic) - channel of ascent, sustains our evolution and guides us towards higher awareness There are actually three channels in the system. The one in the center is called Sushumna, which caters to the parasympathetic nervous system, or the autonomous nervous system. The one on the the left looks after the left sympathetic nervous system and on the right it looks after the right sympathetic nervous system. Now, it is not accepted yet, or discovered yet in medical science, that the left and right sympathetic nervous systems are two different juxta
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