10 Pro Drummers Show Their Home Practice Spaces (Tommy Igoe, Anika Nilles, & More!)

Learn Drums Here: Free Lessons: Our Favorite Music ProductsL Faster Hands & Feet (in 10 days) ► Where do pro drummers practice when they’re not touring or in the studio? In this video, you’ll see 10 of your favorite players take you through their home practice spaces, show you their gear, and walk you through their setups: 0:00 Intro 0:49 Jared Falk goes into his garage whisper room – ‘the Beat Box’ – and shows you his Yamaha Recording Customs, Paiste 602 reissue cymbals, and the tiniest snare you’ve ever seen. 6:32 Anika Nilles gives an overview of her two kits, her teaching setup, her cameras and recording setup, and practice pads. 9:03 Glen Sobel goes over his temporary setup, which consists of a ‘cobbled together’ kit due to his usual teaching/practice space being closed during the pandemic. 10:20 Tommy Ig
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