Gabriel Fauré - Pavane - Piano Solo - P. Barton, FEURICH grand piano

FREE sheet music in public domain for this video: music/Faure Pavane Faure, Gabriel (1845-1924). Faure - Pavane, Op. 50 (Arr. Piano Solo By Hiscocks, Howat Click on “PDF“ for direct download. Please message me at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FREE alternative arrangement by Nawa Mukerji: Similar resonating effects with staccato from open piano strings can be obtained on an acoustic piano (without harmonic pedal) by weighing down all the keys you will not play in the piece, i.e. far right and left, with weights, such as books. This raises the dampers from this strings and allows them to resonate when notes with sympathetic frequencies are played. The difference between this technique, used occasionally in 20th century music and the harmonic pedal, is the harmonic pedal allows ALL th
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