【凛(りん)×ももかん】ODDSENDS 踊ってみた【3周年】 1080 x 1920 sm38101456

“I can’t wake up forever, I met you, such a dream“ It’s been 3 years since the first collaboration. You’ve grown a lot (laughs) Especially, I think this year was a very strong year for both of us (laughs). Dancing at the event for the first time For the first time in Danmas For the first time, we made a swing together I went to Disney together for the first time (* ´ 艸 `) It was a really fun year! !! !! This is also thanks to Rin! !! !! Let’s continue to do various things together (’◇’) ゞ ★楽曲ご本家様:ryo(supercell) feat.初音ミク様 ★振付ご本家様:sm34203234 ★マイリスト 凛(りん):mylist/69295524 ももかん:mylist/60780026 ★Twitter 凛(りん):[id387398459|@rin1337] ももかん:@momotakotako ももかん 01/11/2021 20:00 Views 2,014
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