Lecture 2. Geosophy
1. Geosophy is the field of application of Noology (the Noomahia principle) to the study of cultures, peoples and civilizations. Its is deepest level of ethnosociology.
2. The basic idea of geosophy is that there are different organization of the balance of three Logos that defines the identity of concrete human society. Apollonian culture, Cybelean culture and so on.
3. The society where the Logos dominates can change its form in space and time. The balance of Noomahia can change also. Here Apollo rules, there Cybele. Now here Dionysus dominates, then Apollo outbalances it. SO Noomahia is essentially dynamic, the process.
4. The borders of people or cultures in the moment of Noomahia in space are defined as existential horizon. It is multilevel structure close to Dasein concept. It is the basis of people, its roots. The Logos is build and founded over the existential horizon. It is living space. Da-sein, being t/here being in concrete world organized with the help of dominating Logos. S