New metro station under construction. Century City, CA. Стройка новой станции метро

Here in Century City will be new metro station and also two more skyscrapers. MTA Metro Purple Line, underground subway station will be here soon. The construction is in process (December 26 2023) On fences of every big building or object construction is usually pics of what kinda object will be there soon. As for me, it is always interesting to watch how our city grows… Century City is neighborhood and business district in Los Angeles, California. Very modern and fast-growing area. Начало стройки новой станции метро и небоскрёбов. Записываю видео как зарисовку небольшой части истории моего прекрасного города ;) Засняла после окончания рабочего дня, поскольку днём очень шумно.
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