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German 23rd Panzer Division engages Soviet and Romanian forces in Hungary (Northern Transylvania) on Eastern Front in World War II.
Battle of Grosswardein, a precursor to the Battle of Debrecen, in World War 2. In late September, 1944, the German 23rd Panzer division was ordered to clear Grosswardein (aka Oradea or Nagyvárad) and environs occupied by Soviet and Romanian forces (who had switched sides a month earlier). In late September, 1944, the German 23rd Panzer division was ordered to clear Grosswardein (aka Oradea or Nagyvárad) and environs occupied by Soviet and Romanian forces (who had switched sides a month earlier). This was prelude to the World War 2 Battle of Debrecen, in October, 1944. Map shows areas of interest and reflects German treatment of Grosswardein and Debrecen as part of Hungary (Northern Transylvania), A German 88mm artillery piece is seen being towed uphill by a SdKfz 6 half-track. Battery of German 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 cannons being fired from high ground. Their shells striking at edge of wooded area. View of shells being loaded. Chalk writing on one “trotzdem siegen win“ or in English “We will win despite all this“. German Panzer (Panther) medium tanks move at the head of a column that includes Stug III and other armor. A Stug III camouflaged with tree branches. German armor advancing across and open field. Two tanks parked, and their crew members watching the battlefield. Explosions in the field. German machine gunners firing against Soviet infantry. Romanian soldiers surrendering in a grove of trees, are searched and processed as prisoners of war. German infantry moving through field of corn stalks, along with armored personnel carriers (Schutzenpanzerwagen SdKfz 250/10 Neu). A truck burning in the field, with a field piece attached on a towbar. Location: Eastern Front European Theater. Date: September 1944.
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