Death Knight solo: Illidan, the Betrayer

Raegwyn (Zuluhed EU) soloing Illidan at 85 This video was made in (i think he will be easy with the new death strike glyph and unholy specc after ) i really liked the fight and i tried so many things to kill the shadow demons so after a few wipes i skilled desecreation to slow them and it worked with stacking vengeance 2 t10 items and str pot to kill them with a death and decay after i got them i saw that i had to low dps cause they came a 2nd time at 7% so i respecced glyphed reforged and did anything i was able to do and i managed to kill him a few seconds before the 2nd demons would have spawned difficult: kaelthas on beta niveu (nothing you want to do a 2nd time) tactic: most tacticchanges /planingtime respeccs i ever had costs: i payed ~3000gold for repp, elixiers, drums, respeccs, pots(necessary) and things i dont remember yet so this was the most expensive solokill i ever had too or a bit less then sartharion time: i spent the last 3 weeks on trying him but not
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