Check out the other song we recorded at this session (Cassiopeia) over on our Patreon:
Reina del Cid, Toni Lindgren, and Andrew Foreman perform original bluegrass tune “Medium“ at Mad Muse Studios
Watch next: “O My Baby“ (another original bluegrass song)
Happy Sunday morning! It was such a blast going into Mad Muse Studios to record these songs as a trio. “Medium“ is a little tune I wrote a long time ago that Toni transformed into the bluegrassy number it is today. If you liked this song, we’re going to be playing a Bluegrass Brunch livestream concert at the end of the month. Grab your spot and join us for some mimosas/bloody marys and bluegrass jams!
The session was mixed and mastered by Matt Salazar at Mad Muse Studios. Every precaution was taken to ensure the safety of both musicians and staff during the filming of these two performances.
We have rescheduled most of our 2020 concerts. Take a look at the dates and see if we’re coming to your town later this year or early next year! #shows
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Sunday Mornings with Reina del Cid:
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PO Box 251705
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Lyrics to “Medium“:
I caught Winter talking to Spring today
he begged her to remember his face
and how the sun couldn’t touch him
where the ice used to lay
and with her warm eyes, Spring looked away
Now miles away from the buildings and lights,
I lie by your side in the dark
while the wheat and the rye
tell us how we used to be
before the trees put their leaves in my heart
This isn’t me, I say to the street
to the people I never loved
This isn’t mine, this beautiful line
that’s crashing through my medium
I used to stare at an orchard at dawn
wondering what my eyes should see
but the earth promised seasons
and brought them in time
to the girl who used to be
It’s hard sometimes to see the difference
between what’s lost and what you’ve changed
but the colors are brighter now
and the moonlight’s softer on my range