Resident Evil 2 | All 11 Weapon Locations (Leon + Claire Weapons / A & B Scenario Weapons)
You can find 11 weapons in Resident Evil 2 Remake. A few weapons are exc lusive to Leon or Claire and the last two can only be found in the B Scenario after you finish the story.
All 11 Weapon Locations
(3 of these weapons have the same puzzle solution but reward you with different weapons depending on what character you play)
1 W-870 Shotgun - (Leon) 00:03
2 GM 79 Grenade Launcher - (Claire) 00:03
3 Lightning Hawk Magnum (Leon) 01:02
4 MQ 11 SMG (Claire) 01:02
5 JMB Hp3 Laser Sight Pistol (Cl