Secrets of the Temple | The Award-Winning Star Wars Fan Film
SECRETS OF THE TEMPLE was written in 2020, filmed in 2021, and released as 6 chapters in 2022. The cast, crew, and editing team have put thousands of hours into making this passion project film under a micro budget. This Cinematic Cut is how the film was meant to be viewed. Enjoy, and May The Force Be With You!
Before viewing, please watch this 5 minute recap covering the 2 previous films in the trilogy so you can be up to date:
00:00 - Coruscant Jedi Temple Grounds
00:48 - Opening Logos
01:29 - Order 66
03:27 - The Twelfth Brother
04:34 - Opening Titles
05:27 - Where is the Map?
07:46 - The Master
09:42 - The Next Bounty
11:05 - Heyd & Daklly
12:23 - Ruins and Jedi Believers
13:23 - Assemble your Hunters
15:18 - Clues of the Jedi
17:03 - The Map
18:11 - Gangster vs. Bandit
19:42 - Youngling and Padawan
20:11 - We’ve Been Exposed
21:09 - Force Tracking
21:57 - Meditation Face-off
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