desert sand feels warm at night : 我思う、ゆえに我あり

This is desert sand’s 5th sample-free slushwave album: 我思う、ゆえに我あり This one evokes some strong feelings of disorientation, while his signature warm sound and atmosphere remains all throughout it feels as though the listener is transported through a desert (hehe) city late at night, wondering where the sounds, as well as where the listener themselves, belong and are headed to... Please consider supporting desert sand by purchasing the digital release over at: 00:00 夜の街をさまよう/シミュレーション仮説 (wander the night city / simulation hypothesis) 04:27 現実と思うにはあまりに良すぎる (too good to think of reality) 18:18 私は私です (i am m
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