Топ 10 видео в которых блогеры поймали что-то паранормальное Часть 2
With my heart in my mouth, shaking like a leaf, watching scary videos is my favorite thing to do pretty much anytime I have a few minutes to spare. Why I enjoy being scared so much is beyond me. Maybe the rush that hypes me up when watching a few creepy videos is what makes them appealing and thoroughly entertaining for me to watch. Having said that, the vast majority of scary videos on the internet are just not up to par, which makes it harder for me to be scared as of late. And, I’m sure the same is the case with you as well.
There are a whole bunch of creepy videos that I’ve watched that I plan on never watching them again — not because they’re too scary, but because they are pretty cliché or just forcibly made to seem overly horrifying, while in reality, they are nowhere close to it. Well, I’m here to analyze this list of the top 10 most scary videos that are sure to not disappoint you! In fact, these are the scary videos to watch with your girlfriend... if you had one. But even if you don’t, I’m confident these entries will scare you silly.
This list of creepy videos contains the entries that basically made me think I will not watch them again. Mainly because some of these are scary that I was like, “Why am I doing this to myself?” — questioning my own senses and sanity. As I watched them for the first time for my analysis, I was simply terrified. I realize you are here because just like me, you crave the thrill and the stimulation offered by the legitimately scary videos as well — certainly much better than things like riding a roller coaster, going bungee jumping, sky-diving, and rock climbing.
Watching videos such as this list of top 10 creepy videos is just much safer and in fact, these scary videos to watch with your girlfriend... if you had one, might actually add a bit of spice to your life too. If you don’t believe in other-worldly presences, ghosts, supernatural and paranormal activities, and think that any unexplained, mysterious encounter could be solved if you work hard enough in the right direction, then this countdown just might break your world.
Here, you will find several mysterious incidents that happened around the world, which are totally unexplainable as they don’t adhere to the logical and rational laws of nature we live by. Even science and scientists haven’t figured out what they really are, and how these mysterious events happened. If you think you won’t be scared by this list, go ahead and find out how much you really know your own self.
Did you make it to the end? Let me know right below in the comments! Also, have no qualms about sharing which of the scary videos in this top 10 list freaked you out the worst!
Kevin MacLeod ()
jdgehlert ()
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