We all remember our first horror film. That spine-chilling sensation, the realization that nothing like this has ever been beheld by you before. If you are anything like me, perhaps the very first glimpse of horror turned you into a lifelong seeker of fear and chills.
However, my relationship with horror began to brew well before that. I grew up reading scary stories, which, coupled with my inquisitiveness transitioned into watching horror films and any scary videos I could find.
All that piqued my curiosity, and paved the way for an enduring love for the genre. Very rarely have I used the phrase “it got under my skin,“ but over the years, I have come across quite a few scary videos that certainly managed to get right under it. By the time some of those creepy videos were over, I was left reeling and hiding under the covers on the couch, scared to even get up and turn on a light.
This scary comp contains the very videos that I just talked about — the ones that got under my skin and had me with my heart in my mouth. If you are a horror and ghost geek like me, these pulse-pounding, edge-of-your-seat scary videos are a must-watch. Be warned though, these are the scary videos that are too spicy for you — as a matter of fact, for anyone, I dare say. So, whatever you do, don’t watch these when you are alone at home, and especially not with a VR headset.
Be careful what you wish for. Because things can quickly spin out of control. I wish I had realized that in my early years. I loved watching scary stories and videos, and genuinely appreciated that horror can be quite a surprisingly creative and smart genre at times. I relished the chills, the eeriness and such. To this day, I love this genre and I feel that there are endless possibilities for horror, which makes it all the more fascinating to me.
This fascination got me digging deep in a whole lot of daunting corners of the internet, and right when I thought I had seen it all, every once in a while came a few creepy videos that got me good. This list is about such nightmarish videos.
Over the past several months, the online video sharing community TikTok has made several relatively unknown scary videos to garner a good amount of popularity. But, even if you have been watching the scary TikTok videos that are the most unnerving, haunting, and frightening the genre has to offer, the top 10 scary videos included in my analysis will still catch you off-guard, no matter how well you think you are prepared for the frights and the heebie-jeebies. Even the spookiest of haunted house reels and ghost encounter clips don’t hold a candle to this collection of creepy videos that I have compiled for you. Don’t believe me? You soon will.
These are the scariest videos you can find. They will leave you frightened in their wake and risk you with never having a good night’s sleep again. If you think you can’t handle the gut-churning scares these creepy videos have to offer, not watching this list will be the wisest choice you’ll ever make. But, if you are ready for nerve-wracking shudders, go ahead and get your horror fix.
Done watching? That’s great!
Which of these scary videos frightened the life out of you the most? Let me know right below in the comments!
Cctv Footage Video
Kevin MacLeod ()
jdgehlert ()
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