Топ 10 видео в которых блогеры поймали что-то паранормальное
Many reportedly haunted entities exist in this world. Paranormal investigators have published accounts of analyzing everything from haunted dolls and figurines to possessed paintings. What’s more, many have captured the process of discovering, investigating, and interacting with such haunted entities. With the list of top 10 scary videos I have here for you today, your screen may very well become one of the haunted objects the paranormal and ghost monomaniacs are so curious about! Here is a collection of scary videos you shouldn’t be watching at 3AM!
I don’t think anyone would disagree that only a few things on this planet are more terrifying than a ghost in a haunted house. Nothing can be more frightful than to be faced with a menacing ghost that lurks in the shadows. This list of scary videos captures 10 such incidents of ghost encounters that, frankly, are outright spine-chilling and nightmarish.
If it is nighttime for you right now, just go to sleep. Seriously. Don’t ruin your rest by giving in to your curiosity; in a few hours, when you see daylight, you can go ahead and watch this list of scary videos and thank yourself that you paid heed to my heads up! Because these creepy videos are nerve-wracking enough to scare you stiff — better to be scared in the hours of sunlight than in the shadows of the night!
This scary comp will truly make you terrified — and give a whole new meaning to the word scary. However, what really will freak you out is just how inescapably grim and unsettling of an impression these creepy videos will leave on you, that you may not know peace for weeks to come! And worst of all, it’ll be 3AM each night and you will find yourself wide awake, wishing that you could at least get a few moments of your precious sleep.
These scary videos of paranormal events and ghost encounters will leave you reeling, shivering, and wincing in equal measure. You will see that these are the scariest videos one could find on the internet — and all of them are like a genre institution in their own right, providing you your share of shivers, frights, and jump scares every time even a remotely horrific thought crosses your mind.
When you are laying in your bed at night, reading scary stories as all the lights are off, and you hear footsteps coming from outside your bedroom door, what do you begin to feel? You get afraid. You cover up in your blanket and try to convince yourself that it’s all in your head. Then, your mind wanders. Maybe it’s a ghost. Whatever’s outside, you know they are not afraid of the dark. They are not afraid of any ghost. Just thinking about the one night all this happened to me, I still get chills up my spine. These scary videos will make you paranoid to that extent.
Done watching? That’s great!
Which of these scary videos frightened the living daylights out of you the most? Let me know right below in the comments!
Kevin MacLeod ()
jdgehlert ()
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