Aerial Footage of China’s Waterlogged Disaster: Extensive Damage

Aerial Footage of China’s Waterlogged Disaster: Extensive Damage china floods latest news today,three gorges dam,destruction,weather update today,china flood,china floods,china dam,3 gorges dam,footage of destruction in china half of china is underwater,citizen tv live,disasters around the world today,china news today,natural disasters,documentaries,floods in china,news,footage of destruction in china 1. Spanish: Imágenes aéreas del desastre por inundaciones en China: Daños extensos 2. French: Images aériennes du désastre lié aux inondations en Chine : Dommages importants 3. German: Luftaufnahmen der wasserüberfluteten Katastrophe in China: Umfangreicher Schaden 4. Italian: Riprese aeree del disastro delle inondazioni in Cina: Danneggiamenti estesi 5. Portuguese: Imagens aéreas do desastre por inundações na China: Danos extensos 6. Dutch: Luchtopnamen van de door water geteisterde ramp in China: Uitgebreide schade 7. Russian
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