How to Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 20 and Run a Test Build Job Example

Here’s a quick example tutorial on how to install Jenkins on Ubuntu 20. Starting out with a clean Ubuntu 20 image, we first install the prerequisite JDK, after which we can install Jenkins. Note that in this example we install Jenkins on JDK 8 from AdoptOpenJDK. I’d prefer to install Jenkins on JDK 11, but I’ve run into “Failed to start LSB: Start Jenkins at boot time: failed exit-code“ errors when I use newer versions of the OracleJDK or OpenJDK. So despite my desire to use Java 11, this example uses JDK 8. Note that Jenkins and Git are two peas in a pod, so a the end of this tutorial we install Git as well. The commands used in this Jenkins install on Ubuntu 20 example tutorial are as follows. Be careful with the greater than sign, as that character is not allowed in this YouTube write up. sudo apt-get update java --version sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key ad
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