Bella ciao, Iran

(Original HD version and song explanation) On 12 June 2009, after 10 days of exciting campaign, 85% of eligible Iranian voters all over the world turned out to vote for their favorite candidate (Mousavi). But the morning after elections the result was not what they had voted for. Their votes were stolen, politicians, human right activists and opposition leaders had been arrested over night, foreign media corespondents and international journalists had been expelled and cities were full of riot police and security forces. Despite all these Iranians have come to streets to shout their freedom a...nd ask for their vote. Hundreds have been killed so far and thousands have been arrested. But until now, after 40 days, Iranians inside Iran still continue their protests, and all over the world expat Iranians and other countries’ citizens support them by protesting in front of Iran embassies. This movement is known as the “Green Movement“ because of using green color by Iranian protestors that was Mousa
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