Get Hollywood Lighting Outdoors Without Lights

An EPIC outdoor lighting course featuring modifiers like diffusers, reflectors, cutters, scrims, nets, floppies, frames, stands, grips and a blonde model. Get a Hollywood look but with photographer practicality and prices. Learn how to shoot beautiful glamour portraits outside in harsh sunlight during overhead mid day sun. Learn how to use a reflector properly and why I like reflectors more than diffusers. Also how to make your own frame, and many many options for lightweight, collapsible modifiers of all sizes. Links: My most favorite heavy duty light stand (norms) Darken & Soften Bright Backgrounds Outdoors with nets My Favorite 43“x43“ kit with frame, diffuser, reflectors and pole =ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 5x5 Lastolite Skylite rapid frame La
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