.NET 5 (.NET Framework, Mono and .NET Core) - Advanced C# Tutorial (Part 2)

This video has been created to create an awareness around the significants of the next release of .NET, .NET 5. One runtime to rule the all! The evolution from .NET Framework to Mono and then to .NET Core is discussed. Finally we discuss how .NET 5 (the next release of .NET) unifies the functionality provided by these frameworks into one framework. ***Please Note*** I’ve been called out on my pronunciation of Linux, and rightly so. My excuse is I come from a part of the world where the pronunciation of Linux as ’Lie-nux’ is quite common. I do however accept that this is a bad habit on my part, and Linux should be pronounced as demonstrated in the following video, Links -------- If you’d like to make a donation to help support the channel, please click the link below, .NET 5 blog by Richard Lander .NET Standard My vid
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