instead i said goodbye - tom eaton | relaxing calming and peaceful ambient piano

instead i said goodbye/Tom Eaton “In Jane Siberry’s song “Goodbye,” she sings “I went to say ‘I love you,’ but instead I said ‘goodbye’ ”… a line that has haunted me for years. So many times we ignore the truth that we know, choosing the easy answer, or the one that keeps things steady and seemingly safe. This song is not about me realizing that I was neither safe nor steady where I was, every cell of my body knew those truths, but is about the moment the only thing left to do was to go. The piano part for this piece arrived almost fully formed late one night at Will Ackerman’s studio in Vermont in June of 2018. This song set the mood and pace for the upcoming album ’weathering’. In hindsight it was also offering me some advice… but it took me some time to figure that out.“ Heal, Calm, Balance Support here: Stream here: Follow us on Bandcamp! Copyright Heart Dance Records, All Rights Reserved 2023
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