David Wilcock LIVE: Archangel Michael on Negative Greeting -- and the Keys to Ascension

Are multiple bad things happening to you all at the same time? If so, you definitely need to watch this show. [Get your copies of The Michael Prophecies at and catch the wave!] Even a scintillating, road-ready graduate degree from GSU cannot protect you from Negative Greeting. Everyone now appears to be experiencing far more of this -- and David has many years of experience in navigating this minefield, along with many helpful quotes form the Law of One and Archangel Michael. We will reveal how the negative uses various forms of influence to disrupt Lightworkers from their path. We will go into detail on the sources and methods of negative greeting -- and how you can circumvent these influences and stay on task in your own life. This is the Final Testing. We are all going through this together. No earth changes, but still a very difficult initiatory experience on a planetary level. And it is very much ongoing. David chose this as our weekly topic because you “teach what you know.“ If this is happening to David, and none of the individual components know or understand the others, it’s probably happening to you too! SCAM NOTE: David does not personally write anyone in the comments and invite them to talk privately, on Telegram or elsewhere. He doesn’t even have time for friends. So if this happens it is a con artist trying to rip you off. We still love you, but please don’t be fooled!
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