The Legend of Dick and Dom - Tickle Tournament

subscribe: these get uploaded every week to few weeks because my internet sucks! OPEN THE DOOBLYDOO FOR ...err.... amazingness and how long it took ThisRubbishName to upload this. And bias. The legend of Dick and Dom..... has begun? idk. Anyway this is an amazing show broadcast from 2009 and finished in 2011, however it’s repeated on a yearly basis on CBBC, but not ABC3 because we have greater do rather than advertise that it’s back on. AND THEN IT WASN’T ON. Gosh. It’s about two princes, Dick and Dom [Richard McCourt, Dominic Wood], their mage Mannitol [Steve Furst], and their trusty servant, Lutin [Chloe Bale]. They have to go on a quest to SAVE THEIR KINGDOM from this plague which is turning the kingdom’s people into horrible beasts. Actually kind of... it turns them into people who’s arms come off if they cough too hard in this series.. And so, the guys go off, exploring the land of Bottom World [Black Park, near 007 St
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