Ancient Artifacts of the Olmecs | Stone Mysteries of Mexico in Villahermosa Museum | Megalithomania

A stunning collection of artifacts and one Olmec colossal head are on display in the newly reopened Carlos Pellicer Cámara Regional Museum of Anthropology in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. These are mostly from the Olmec site of La Venta, and other smaller sites in the Tabasco region dating to as far back as 1800 BC. Hugh Newman examines dozens of pieces with explanations and ideas as to what they were originally created for. These include bizarre cyclopean statues, serpentine mosaics, elongated skulls, jade celts and ceremonial pieces which have not been properly deciphered. More Olmec Videos: 478 Olmec & Maya Sites Found by LIDAR - San Lorenzo, Olmec Capital - Monument 19 at La Venta - Olmec artifacts at New York Museum - Laguna de Los Cerros Olmec Site - Largest Olmec Head, La Cobata - San Lorenzo,
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