How to celebrate Easter | Orthodox church

#easter How do Russians celebrate Easter? Easter is a family holiday that every generation celebrates in unison. Church-goers attend midnight mass and have Easter breakfast after, while others opt for an Easter lunch. Painting eggs is perhaps the most widely-spread Easter tradition in Russia. People use traditional means of colouring like boiling eggs in onion peel, as well as modern food colours, stickers and special paints. Eggs are then exchanged as small gifts, brought to work, and used as decorations. During Easter Lunch, people will play a game when they hit an egg against someone else’s and the last person at the table to have an egg left uncracked - wins. The cracked eggs are eaten. Another Russian tradition during Easter is honouring deceased relatives by bringing food to their graves and even having lunch there. Pascha is a sweet cottage-cheese-and-raisin spread. It is shaped into a pyramid using a mould featuring Christian symbols: an orthodox cross and Cyrillic letters H & V (ХВ), an acr
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