netra - Sørbyen
Released: September 29, 2012
1 - a dance with the asphalt [0:00]
2 - crawling [5:34]
3 - soerbyen [9:58]
4 - a kill for a hug [14:24]
5 - streetlamp obsession [20:24]
6 - emlazh [28:28]
7 - wish she could vanish [34:26]
8 - my ill-posed life [41:06]
9 - it’s kicking in [42:40]
10 - concrete ocean [48:26]
11 - strange bliss at dusk [56:54]
12 - I shall slay the monkeys [1:01:32]
End - 1:10:18]
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Sørbyen is the second album from the project, netra.
After releasing the monumental debut album ’Mélancolie Urbaine’ in late 2010, netra returns again with a new album entitled ’Sørbyen’. With influences ranging from the moodiest jazz music to black metal and trip-hop, netra has always been about challenging the listener’s open-mindedness and the upcoming ’Sørbyen’ album shows netra continuing to evolve its experimental sound using a palette of varying musical and artistic influences to create an album that is claustrophobic, organic, and unmistakingly depressing. A truly unique album that bridges the most unsuspecting genres together, Sørbyen, named after a neighborhood in Gjøvik, Norway in which the artist behind netra recently lived, could be described as a strange but fitting hybrid of Burzum and Hooverphonic. Either way, this release builds upon the foundations of the debut album, but is more far-reaching in its experimentation and manages to effectively introduce new elements to netra’s already genre-bending sound while maintaining a certain nostalgic and depressing sound.
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5 months ago 00:09:57 1
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