10 Reasons Why CDs Still Rock - Part Two with Phil Aston

This is the second video in our series looking at the 10 Reasons why CDs still rock. In the previous video, Charlie White gave his top five and now it is time for mine. Personally, CDs are my favourite format and I love collecting CDs. I still play vinyl and buy it for very special releases but the CD for me has so many benefits. It may become niche but if you are a record label or band watching this video there are a lot of CDs fans who love this format. 1. Liner Notes & Booklets 2. CD Box Sets 3. CD Extras 4. Maintenance 5. They Are Yours Thank you for all your support and patience in waiting for this video! Join the Now Spinning Facebook Group Become a patron and Now Spinning Supporter and get to see exclusive videos not available elsewhere. Phil Aston Now Spinning Magazine
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