How Watson Windranger Carry with 13K MMR SKILL vs Carry Kiritych !
(Smurf) - play Windranger
- play Troll Warlord
- play Death Prophet
Alimzhan “watson“ Islambekov (born April 30, 2002), stylized as “医者watson`“, is a [[Category::Kazakhstan|Kazakhstani]] Dota 2 player who is currently playing for Entity.
On February 23rd, 2023, he became the third player to reach 13,000 MMR.
Watson began playing Dota in 2013. He began his pro career winning local and national level tournaments in his native Kazakhstan and eventually signed for B8 in 2021.
#Dota2Skadi #Dota2 #Gameplay #Windr
#Entity #734 #734b
#Watson #ENTITYWatson #Dota
#OneEntity #WatsonDota2
Email dota2eyeskadi@
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