900HP+ Ford Sierra Sapphire Cosworth at Santa Pod Raceway
Jon Gamble has been campaigning his Sapphire Cosworth for years and it’s now got more power than ever with a whopping 913HP and 633NM on Race Fuel! The first few runs are on normal fuel at lower boost, it’ll take a little more seat time to get used to the new found performance but there’s plenty of potential in this beast!
The Cosworth YB is a Julian Godfrey Rallycross 2020 Unlimited Smith & Jone Alloy Block with a WRC Big Valve Large Ported Head, Oppliger Plenum, Pectel ECU and Billet Rocker Cover design
5 months ago 00:07:33 1
Jeep Avenger 4xe The North Face Edition - NON PLUG-IN AWD