The New Vent 💥

A powerful new vent shooting lava to the skies. New volcano in Geldingadalur valley. Filmed by me with Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5 G. We made the 4rth trip to the volcano yesterday April 13, 2021 and it had been a big surprise. What we happened to see exceeded all our expectations. This volcano continues to surprise us. Now, instead of 3 we have got 8 openings (8 new craters all emitting lava, except one). Two the most active openings are in Geldingadalur valley next to the old volcano. Two the most northern ones decreased in activity though still emit lava flow. There had been hundreds of people. The weather had been really nice, 9 C. There had been some rain for 30 minutes (and that was interesting, I filmed how rain hist the lava). I was not feeling quite comfotable as the earth had been shaking (you could feel the tremours) and there had been small gas exlospions next to the edges of the lava. Anyway the trip had been amazing. We returned to the car at 01:45 am being utterly exhasuted from the hike. So it
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