The Mellotron: A Keyboard with the Power of an Orchestra (1965) | British Pathé

British T.V. personalities, Eric Robinson and David Nixon, introduce us to an electro-mechanical, polyphonic tape replay keyboard otherwise known as the ’Mellotron.’ For Archive Licensing Enquiries Visit: Explore Our Online Channel For FULL Documentaries, Fascinating Interviews & Classic Movies: #BritishPathé #History #Instruments License This Film: (FILM ID:) Subscribe to the British Pathé YT Channel: The personalities Eric Robinson and David Nixon introduce us to the musical instrument the Mellotron, London. Various shots of large country garden. L/S of swimming pool. L/S of garden with white doves on the grass. M/S of large country cottage. The narrator introduces us to the personality Eric Robinson who explains to us from his living room armchair the new instrument we are about to see which can make all the sounds of an orchestra, but can be played by one person - The Mellotron
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